Kaaii-Net Research Labs

Home of the fledgling research and development corperation, in the Online game, EVE.

Friday, October 06, 2006

October Skys


Progress has been, well, astounding, since my last post. I've secured more investors and we are just five BPO's from our goal of being completely self-sufficient on the componet parts. Another two investors are in the wings to close these gaps further, so it looks like we will reach our goal of having them all two weeks earlier than anticipated. Very good news.

After a "board meeting" with the folks involved we decided that the stock issue would be handled by assigning 10mil per share to the value, and then awarding the number of shares according to how many 10's of millions each contributed. Easy, manageable, and accepted by all.

Minerals are coming along, for the first build, while we wait for the research for the first prints to "flip" to the PE side, so timing here has been fortunate as well. The chimera BPO somes out in under 2 weeks, as do most of the other prints. There will be some overage of time on the chimera though, while the remaining (un purchased) BPOs are gathered and researched down, so im going to propose a copy of the carrier while the rest of the component bpos come of age.

An added bonus was revealed yesterday, that 2 of my corpmates braved a 60+ jump, there and back, to retrieve a Large tower from a deep space spot, sucessfully returning it to empire and contributing it to Kaaii-Net operations. Also more labs were purchased as well as a Large Ship Assembly Array, completeing the infostructure to build. And with these structures a wide array of defenses were deployed to cover the towers. Its looking very good atm...

Hope it stays that way :)



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