Kaaii-Net Research Labs

Home of the fledgling research and development corperation, in the Online game, EVE.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Work begins

Well, its a new dawn, a new day.

I've spent more time (and money) researching all the fuel costs for running kaaii-net and purchased over 6 months of reserve fuels for the towers. Ive been pricing BPO's and have almost decided on the next two to purchase. Funds are being pledged as well, I've already recieved over 2 Billion from a valued corpmate and have more being pledged every day.

I spent some time talking with my first investor, and we hammered out alot of the details and have been given the green light to purchase the next BPOs, so its just finding a good deal on the auction boards. I chosen to buy pre-researched BPOs as they add value right away, and are ready to use, no lead time while I wait for the Material/Productivity research to complete. Ill still be waiting though for contact from two other people who expressed interest in the project and when all four of us are commited, i'm planning on making the board of directors from these four (myself & three others). More on this later.

My next step is to find, and enter into agreement with the other bpo copiers, the ones I don't have yet, to supply me with the missing runs nessessary for the first package deal. A chimera carrier pack.

Ive sent mail to several other venture capitalists in game so I am waiting for thier responses back. Ive also asked EMFI Manager to contact me with information regarding the auditing process, a pre-cursor to going public with the remaining shares I have issued. Pricing of these as well as the initial phase IPO considerations are still on the drawing board.

And now, back to the game...



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