Kaaii-Net Research Labs

Home of the fledgling research and development corperation, in the Online game, EVE.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Well, its been a bit of time since my last post, so I thought I'd get up to date here. A lot has happened..

I had yet another investor sign on, buying another component BPO for us to use. As I had been discussing my venture in alliance chat I had some more interest generated. As I got to talking with this person I realized (he convinced me) that I should be building the actual ships and not just making the bpc packages. At first, this went against the primary goal I had set forth for Kaaii-Net, but after careful consideration, and running the numbers I found that, indeed, this was the way to go.

The time it takes to copy the required items is just too great vs the time to build from the BPO's directly. So it only makes since to "triple" the output (and the sales) of Kaaii-Net by going into the manufacturing process. This individual has a great amount of ISK's to invest and is willing to assist in the tasks at hand, so, I've decided to take him up on his offer, and go where the money really is. I'm a little sad that I didn't figure this path before, but I was concerned (and still am ) about a couple of things...

  • - Mineral supply: Building these ships takes huge amounts of minerals. While logistics are not a problem, as far as movement of materials, I'm concerned that availability will be an issue. In the beginning I think it won't be as much of a factor as it will be later on down the road. This is because of the surplus mineral supply currently in the region. Whether it can sustain itself once Kaaii-Net begins to draw from this well remains to be seen.
  • - Production capability: When I set up for producing BPC's, I geared my characters towards the Science side of things, specificity research. Now that we are considering production, this vastly changes the skill sets required for these tasks. While I have some capability here, for a large scale operation, this will need to be addressed.
  • - corporate shares: I have not wanted to get into a big can of worms creating shares, managing dividend payments and providing constant recording of income & expenses. I just don't want this to feel like "work" as I want to have fun doing this venture. I'm seeing a need for this, however, as more people (and more money) are joining my operation it will need to be done I guess, to keep everyone happy, and their wallets healthy. Pains of big business I guess.

So after the patch today, I'm meeting with my three other players on the "board of directors" to discuss this change of direction. Its my gut feeling that they will have no problem with this change, and will be fully supportive as they have been in the recent days. Ill post the results of our meeting in a few days, with an update on our latest acquisitions....

Until then..



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